“I've Been Redeemed”

I've Been Redeemed

Various gospel songs performed by Elder Trinidad and Cora Padilla. Record album: "I've Been Redeemed". For the purposes to share the true gospel message, to bolster the believers faith, and to edify the body of Christ. NOT TO BE SOLD. "An album is a collection of audio recordings issued as a collection on compact disc (CD), vinyl, audio tape, or another medium." Spotify:

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Album Tracks

1. Until Then

2. Jesus And Me

3. A Name I Highly Treasure

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4. What A Day That Will Be

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5. Where Could I Go

6. The Pearly Gates Will Open

7. Jesus Is Thinking Of You

8. Jesus Took My Burdens

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9. I'm Depending On Jesus

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10. I've Been Redeemed

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